has been helping clients and customers deliver gifts and flower bouquets since 2000. All flowers are imported from high quality wholesale sources and then designed by experienced florists. Orders can be accepted any time 24/7 and then delivery generally takes place between 10am to 6pm.
In general we can deliver to most part of Singapore. If delivery is to a hospital, there may be some restrictions on what is allowed but for the most part it is okay. If the recipient is a patient in the hospital, try to make sure the recipient can be contacted by mobile phone or have someone on behalf of the recipient receive your gift.
It is always best to order early to give enough time for preparation. There may be times that certain flowers or items need to be substituted. Flexibility is important and highly appreciated! To order, please click on the shopping link which will bring you to the ordering website. Other sister websites you can order on is . Or if you do not have the recipient's phone or address, you can order with
Most all forms of credit cards is accepted such as visa, mastercard, American Express, etc via our online processor, and Amazonpay. On a limited basis we can also accept bank transfers, Zelle, Cashapp, Alipay. You can let us know where you are located and we can check if we have an affliate or partnering florist in the area to accept local bank transfers.